Preparing the soil for sowing
Preparing the soil for sowing maize. Djouna, Mali. Animals are a crucuial part of farming life here. Taken July 1, 2012.
Women at Well
Djouna, Mali. Two women collect water from the village well. Taken June 30, 2012.
Driving out of Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
Djouna, Mali. A farmer plows his field for planting maize in the Sahelian village of Djouna in southern Mali. Taken June 30, 2012.
Boys from Soudoure
Niamey, Niger. Two boys from the farming village of Soudoure, on the outskirts of Niamey, Niger. Taken May 11, 2012.
Collecting clay
Niamey, Niger. Three young men from the farming village of Soudoure collect clay to make bricks, which they will sell at local markets. Taken on May 11, 2012.